Another prestigious recognition for Toser Vini comes at the very end of this troubled 2020. After the awards received by Prosecco Doc Extra Dry Villa Cornaro in Enoconegliano and International Wine Challenge, another bottle from our sparkling collection rises to the fore of the wine scene.
In fact, at the 18th edition of Effervescents du Monde, the international wine competition held by the renowned oenological school of Dijon, the Grigò Pinot Grigio DOC Millesimato Spumante Brut selection Villa Cornaro obtained the Medaille d’Or (Gold Medal), the most coveted and important prize. A precious confirmation of the incredible work done by our master winemakers in finding a recipe capable of enhancing the characteristics of Pinot Grigio, sublimating its freshness, the pleasant notes of exotic fruit and the creamy, fine and persistent bubble.
Once again Toser Vini imposes itself on a global level in the art of winemaking, thus showing a particular attention to detail even in difficult times.